Coming October 6th 2024!

Things That Go Bump in the Night… PART II

We’ve done it again! Just like any good scary movie, we’ve produced a sequel. Fully committed to our love for October, we’re expecting another baby boy in October 2024, four years after the original. Our due date this time is October 6th. Click through the slideshow below to see how we’ve spent the last few Halloweens!



The phrase “things that go bump in the night” originated in a British prayer dating back to the 18th century, and it was first recorded in writing by poet Alfred Noyes in 1909:

“from ghoulies and ghosties, long-leggety beasties,

and things that go bump in the night”

Generally, the phrase refers to those unexplained sounds that you might hear in the middle of the night that cause your imagination to run wild. While we can’t yet hear any of our little ghostie’s sounds yet, he or she can certainly hear us (sense of hearing begins to develop during the 17th week in the womb). For our little one, are we those things that go bump in the night?